
Greetings to all, I am Suyen Arvizú I. and I am one of the two original Founders of the Costa Rica Real Estate Magazine, the magazine was founded toward the end of 1997, and at that time there was no other printed Real Estate magazine in the country. A few years later other competitive magazines were founded in Costa Rica but they have all come and gone in these past years but our magazine is still here and growing.

Costa Rica Real Estate

Costa Rica Is the Best Place for a Secure Investment in Latin American Region

Best Climate
Best Health System
Best Socio-Political System
Lowest Property Tax



Miami International Boat Show

February 14 - 18


Los Angeles Travel & Adventure Show

February 18-19


The New York Times Travel Show

February 14 - 18


Coming to Costa Rica? Maybe on Vacation, Business trip or looking to Retire? Let Us recommend Hotels, Restaurants, Real Estate Offices, Attorneys, Tour Operators, Aesthetic and Dental centers and many other great businesses. Eliminate the worries!

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